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Check our Kanban Library

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Now available in one place.

Never heard about Kanban Library?

Kanban Library is a place where the Internet users interested in Kanban method have gathered and carefully selected the best resources from Kanban leaders, experts and  brightest minds in the Kanban sphere. They created a central hub or sharing ideas, developing knowledge and education. That is why Kanban Library can now provide you with a robust collection of resources on Kanban to assist you in your Kanban research.

What Kanban resources you can find in Kanban Library?

Kanban Library give you an access to the best Kanban resources such as articles, blog posts and presentation on various topics. What does visual project management with Kanban mean? How to design your first Kanban board? What are the applications of the method in everyday life and work?

You wish to improve your performance with Kanban methodology but you don't know how? Kanban Library is probably only place on the Web were you can find such a variety of materials on Kanban metrics and analytics. Read some of the featured articles:

Kanban: Definition of Lead Time and Cycle Time
by Stefan Roock

What are the main differences between Lead and Cycle times? Stafan Roocks explains them prefeclty using simple graphs.

Kanban Lead and Cycle Time
by Gareth Evans

From this paper you will learn how to measure and interpret Lead and Cycle Time in a maintenance team. By reading this article, you will have a clear understanding of the importance of Lead and Cycle Time, as well as how to optimize it.

Estimation and Measurement Approaches in Kanban System
by Rahman Usta

This article provides insightful explanation of Work In Progress Limit and Little's Law concepts, including the brief justification for applying them. Moreover, it shows ways of monitoring the project relevant to Kanban methodology: Cumulative Flow Diagram and Weekly Velocity Analysis.

Kanban Library - there is NO better place to learn Kanban online.
John Maynard